Major roadwork continues along Interstate 17 between Anthem Way and Sunset Point.
I-17 Improvement Project
We're improving I-17 between Anthem Way and Sunset Point. The work includes widening 15 miles of roadway, replacing two bridges and widening 10 others, and constructing approximately eight miles of flex lanes.
Construction began in 2022 and ADOT anticipates it will take approximately three years to complete. This timeline makes it possible for the project team to minimize impacts on the traveling public while work is underway.
View monthly construction progress photos on the map.
Minimizing Your Travel Impacts
Because much of the travel and congestion on I-17 occurs on weekends, lane closures will primarily be limited to weeknights from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. However, travelers should remain cautious in the construction zone, which will be active seven days a week. No weekend lane closures will be scheduled for construction, which allows you to use I-17 during peak travel days and times with limited construction impacts or restrictions. (A closure might occur on a weekend because of an emergency or unplanned incident.)
View Current Traffic AlertsWhat are Flex Lanes?
The flex lane system is a proven technology to alleviate traffic congestion during peak travel times, or if an unplanned incident creates delays. The flex lanes will operate as an additional two-lane roadway that carries one direction of traffic at a time and can alternate between north- and southbound depending on the greatest need due to capacity.

Recent Highlights
Bumble Bee Bridge Takedown Timelapse
The old bridge at Bumble Bee Road over southbound I-17 was removed by crews to make way for a newer and wider bridge that was built to prepare for the flex lanes.
Bridge TakedownBumble Bee Bridge Removal
Crews used heavy equipment to take down the old Bumble Bee Bridge over southbound I-17.
Watch the workBlasting Complete for the I-17 Improvement Project
Approximately 177,000 cubic yards of rock and material was removed during this crucial earthwork operation for constructing new lanes.
Watch mountains moveProject Benefits
The section of I-17 between Anthem Way and Sunset Point is one of the most heavily utilized roadways in Arizona, with more than 1 million travelers each year. This project will help improve I-17 for motorists, businesses, visitors and others. For example:
This project will reduce congestion, which helps to improve safety by creating more space between vehicles.
With the addition of new travel lanes from Anthem Way to Black Canyon City and flex lanes from Black Canyon City to Sunset Point, capacity on the I-17 will increase in both directions. This will better accommodate existing traffic and increased traffic as the demand on I-17 continues to grow.
This stretch of road sees heavy usage during weekends, causing long delays. These improvements will increase capacity and alleviate congestion. Greater efficiency means drivers can get to and from the places they need to be in less time, and more safely.
The addition of the flex lanes will allow traffic to move more efficiently and reduce travel times. In the event of a crash that blocks lanes, the new flex and general purpose lanes will make it easier for motorists to travel safely through the affected areas and prevent miles-long backups.
Each year, more than $300 billion in goods are shipped to and from Arizona. I-17 is identified as one of the state's key commerce corridors, moving people and goods between southern and northern Arizona. This vital highway also connects to I-10 and I-40, two of the nation's principal east-west interstate highways. I-10 and I-40 are also two of Arizona's key commerce corridors and are essential for future, quality economic growth in Arizona. This project will help make I-17 a more favorable route for commercial truck drivers whose travels through the region support our local businesses.
Project History
The I-17 Improvement Project began in 2018 with technical analysis, environmental analysis and public involvement. The project is included in the 2021-2025 Five-Year Construction Program and is being delivered as a design-build-operate-maintain (DBOM), Public Private Partnership (P3).

- 2022 - Pre-construction activities and start of construction on September 26
- Final design and construction ongoing through 2025
- Blasting completed in May 2024
- Project completed in 2025, and contractor maintenance period begins
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